
Harm Reduction

CONTRA as a security service provider offers investigative activities in different sectors.

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Reduction of Damages

As a security service company CONTRA offers investigation actions in several sectors.

Under compliance with legal instructions our investigators will act as an information supplier. The aim of our investigations is to minimise originated damages or ideal the re-handling of damages as well as the finding of the responsible persons.

Overview of Investigation Actions:

Preventive Investigations

  • Admission of investigation actions at introduced dangers for objects, goods or persons.

  • Consulting services to avoid planned criminal actions.

Investigations after originated Damages

  • Admission of damage volume and damage progress after originated assaults, also for the assistance of the settlement of damages for the assurer of the damaged company.

  • Investigations to get back goods or funds after successful assaults on companies.

  • Supporting assistance for investigation agencies to clarify criminal actions against companies.

Investigations of infidelity

  • Consulting and investigations in occurred infidelity in companies.

  • Getting back of goods or funds after originated infidelity.

  • Assistance to proceeding of companies concerning industrial law after noted infidelity.